Mystic Gemini's BigBrother POV
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exactly obsolete

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posted Thursday, 13 August 2009

Much of Jessie's incoherence bothered me, but in particular I found it really annoying how he would say "exactly" in response to anything anyone said, as if it simply made him right.  For example, when he was arguing with Russell on Wednesday night, and Russ was talking about Jessie encouraging Ronnie to dump a bucket of water on Michele the exchange went something like this:

Russell: Weren't you up there saying 'do it, do it'?
Jessie: I thought it was funny.
Russell: So how does that make you better than me for calling her crazy.
Jessie: Exactly.



And his other favorite word to misuse was "obsolete."  As in, someone would say "hey, you lied week 2 about whatever" and Jessie would say "that's obsolete."

And I am so happy to say now that Jessie is obsolete.  Exactly.


And he got it this time: America doesn't like him.  And we don't 'love to hate him' either.  He's just not that fun to watch.  Even Julie commented on his 12-13 hours a day of sleeping.  But at least when he was sleeping he wasn't talking.  Anyway, he's gone.  Buh-bye.  And thank you, Mr. Wizard.

 our hero

So, Michele won HOH and she's going to have to pick a side.  She's been floating back and forth, and it's a little hard to say if she's really with the GrrlPower Chicks, or the Jeff/Jordan CoolKids.  And Russell's even harder to figure out.  He didn't vote to evict Jessie, but he's lying to Jeff and saying he did.  I can't imagine the GPCs want anything to do with him, and he seriously owes Jeff for saving him tonight.

hoh saved

Chima/Natalie/Lydia apparently traipsed off to the DR after the show and all said they want to DOR.  But the prods distracted them with shiny seems they sent an intern to the drugstore and got "products" for everyone.  It started out as "comfort" stuff for the abandoned JBT, but in the name of "fairness" they decided to restock everyone.  Jeff and Russell asked for things like contact solution, toothpaste and deodorant...oh, how glamorous....

sad lyd sad nat wing and a prayer

Michele got her HOH room with a bunch of stuff in her basket that I really didn't pay attention to....all I caught was Stella Artois beer.  And she got a letter from her husband that got her all choked up, just the way they like it for the show.

knob reveal room

jor lyd nat

So, Chima/Natalie/Lydia/Kevin are sitting around having a big Pity Party....Ch/Nat/Lyd are all sad b/c of Jessie, whereas Kevin is all pissed because Jessie stuck his hand in Kev's face on the way out.  And Jeff/Jordan are finally enjoying having something go their way.  Russell's hanging out with them for now, but it won't shock me if he tries to go scoop up Jessie's girls in the next couple of days.

pp happy party

Line of the Day

Jordan: Why are they crying like he died?

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