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Parting Shots

bb15Big Brother 15 - A Fond Farewell to all the Hamsters

The last glimpse I got of each of the BB15 HGs on the on the pics to go the At the End of the Day entry for that person.

First Evicted: David

Second Evicted: Nick

buh-bye david

Third Evicted: Jeremy

Fourth Evicted: Kaitlin

Fifth Evicted: Howard

Sixth Evicted: Candice

Seventh Evicted: Judd (Returned)

Eighth Evicted: Jessie

Ninth Evicted: Helen

Tenth Evicted: Aaryn

Eleventh Evicted: Amanda

Twelfth Evicted: Elissa

Thirteenth Evicted: Judd

Fourteeth Evicted: McCrae

Fifteenth Evicted: Spencer


Runner-Up: GinaMarie

Winner: Andy

eviction seats


And it's a wrap for BB15....see you next summer for BB16!