As if anyone still watching the feeds would forget that it's finale night.... BB has a new feed blocker (complete with typo) to remind us.
The feeds are staying on a lot longer than they usually do on finale day, but BB still hasn't made the F3 drag their butts out of bed. I think they all got pretty much packed last night, so they just need to get themselves ready and then there's nothing to do but stress. At some point they'll have to be sent somewhere so the living room can be set up for tonight. But for now they're being allowed a little more nap time, while visions of $500K dance in their heads. (***update: as I'm about to post, at nearly 1PM BBT....they finally get out of bed.)
Since we do have a moment of quiet, I'll take this opportunity to say my annual "thank you" to everyone who has been visiting the site. As always, I hope you have enjoyed my point of view. Traffic has been up again this year, and even though I do this primarily for my own amusement, it makes me happy to know that others are reading it. Since controversy breeds popularity, it's not surprising that our top entry this season has been gone, baby, gone about Chima's departure, with it won't be the apology that's on youtube (about the big Braden fight) as a close second.
Speaking of youtube...not only will the apology not be there, nothing will be, as Real has really (no pun intended) cracked down on posting video clips. But they have given us an excellent alternative...Flashback. I have to say, that's about the best addition to the feeds I could imagine. It's been great for catching anything we've missed and for reliving the big moments. And while I'm compliment Real...excellent job on the quality of the feeds this year. I have had dramatically fewer feed freezes and crashes than in any past season (though, I have noticed for some odd reason, Feed 3 seems to freeze more than any other).
All in all, I think it's been a pretty decent BB season. I'll be back later with finale coverage and some post-season wrap-up over the next few days. And I'll be back next summer for BB12.
One more look back at week 1: