Mystic Gemini's BigBrother POV
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Big Brother Screen Caps and Commentary


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come on people now, it's time for big brother

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posted Thursday, 12 June 2014

Here we go again.....

It's that time of year again, and we're getting ready for BB. It's another early start, with a June 25 premiere date. I really wish they'd gone back to a post July 4 launch, as that just works out better for me, being able to use the holiday weekend to get ready. If they are going to start early from now on, I'm kind of hoping they end a little early as well. Last season just seemed way too long. Though to be fair, part of that could have been due to the general sucking-ness of the HGs. Alright, enough whining from me already, let's get on with the fun stuff.

There are, as usual, rumours flying. A lot of talk about returning HGs, family members (in the vein of Survivor Blood vs. Water), etc. As always, we'll know when we know. I'm continuing my tradition of the last few seasons of trying to stay away from too much of the pre-season hype.

I've also been thinking a bit about how I'm going to do the site this season. Because though the HGs remain energetic 20-somethings, I for some reason insist on getting older. I'm not sure I can handle a whole summer of no sleep and living off of various forms of caffeine and whatever food-like substance I can keep within reach of my feed-watching station. It's also seemed in recent seasons that I've had a lot less of a following here, and a lot more on Twitter. So I may cutback on blogging and just focus on the tweeting and twitpic'ing. On the other hand, there are 2 things I really like about doing the blog: first, the ability to pontificate at length about BB, and second, the record it creates. I have as much fun going back and re-reading old entries and reliving past seasons, as I do writing them in the first place.

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